Rolling Trademarks Demo

Rolling Trademarks Demo

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Rolling Trademarks is a cloud management solution that allows simplified and efficient management of all major routines related to the registration of a national, European or international trademark.

It is the perfect solution for those who need to work remotely: anywhere, anytime and on any device!


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More control over your intellectual assets

Automate processes

Register a trademark and immediately see the automatic tasks, automatically calculated deadlines and alerts you need.

Ensure your competitive edge

View the most important reports on trademarks registration, tasks, expenses, among others, and ensure the control of your assets.

Improve your portfolio management

Do not jeopardize your markets' strategy. Ensure that all deadlines are met automatically.

All the features you need, in one place

Evolutionary Platform

Constant updates and new features at no additional cost.

Registration Management

Greater organization and control of all trademarks registrations, with a total view over all history.

Renewals Control

Automatic renewals and alerts based on pre-defined legal periods for each country.

Agreement Management

Monitoring of coexistence and assignment agreements, oppositions and proofs of use.

Domain Management

Control of all trademarks domains and their renewals with automatic alerts.

File Management

Management of all types of files in an organized, simplified and collaborative way.

Expenses Control

Monitoring of all types of expenses: new registrations, actions, general expenses and domain expenses.

Reports and Dashboards

Thorough analysis of your trademarks through intuitive, real-time dashboards.

E-mail Integration

Outlook or Google integration possible.

Customized workflows

Customize the platform according to your needs, through appropriate processes for your business.

Web API integration

Integrate with any external application to access or receive relevant data.

GDPR Ready

Security, anonymization and data portability, consent, and much more, to ensure GDPR compliance.