

4 Facts about Memes You (Probably) Didn't Know

4 Facts about Memes You (Probably) Didn't Know

Memes are everywhere. They flood the Internet and correspond to every world-historical event, such as the new Stranger Things season. Here are some facts about memes you (probably) didn't know.
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Buzzword Bingo: What the Heck Is Distributed Ledger Technology?

Buzzword Bingo: What the Heck Is Distributed Ledger Technology?

Buzzwords are awesome and not so awesome at the same time. You can really annoy people with them, but you need to understand them first. Here I take a quick look at one of them: Distributed Ledger Technology.
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Cybercrime: the underground economy

Cybercrime: the underground economy

The success of an industry is reliant on its economics – the production, allocation and use of its goods and services. Cybercrime, like any ­other industry­ or business, maintains its own economy of commoditized ­products and services.
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